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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Davis, California (Region 218)

League Information and Principles

Welcome to Sunday 7s! Davis AYSO's first adult league

AYSO adult soccer is for anyone 18+ who wants to play soccer with neighbors and friends in a casual environment. All games will be on Sunday evenings and consist of  7v7 play (with keepers) in full alignment with the AYSO philosophies. Here is a 3-minute league intro video.

Season dates:

Games will take place Sunday evenings with kick-offs between 3-6pm at fields around Davis. There will be a Fall season that runs August - October and a Spring season that runs April - May.

Teams may organize any optional practices if they'd like but we anticipate most will just get together on Sunday evenings. 

Season costs are set prior to registration and are typically around $10 per game paid upfront.

Each Fall, an additional $30 will be added to your registration fees to both U.S. Soccer and United States Adult Soccer Organization (U.S.A.S.A.) and also your player accident insurance (PAI), which will cover you in case of injury, for up to $25,000. The membership year runs from September 1st through August 31st so does not need to be paid if you play in both Fall and Spring soccer.

Players will need to provide a colored shirt (your captain will let you know what color) and wear appropriate athletic shoes (soccer cleats recommended) and gear. Shinguards are recommended.

Team Formation:
Teams of 11-12 are formed by Division Admins each year. Teams will be formed based on self-ratings and we will form region based teams where possible (ex East Davis team(s), West Davis team(s)). A single friend requests will be taken into consideration when forming teams but are not guaranteed; both friends must request each other in the registration questions. This league enables you to meet new friends each season and then play against other friends if you are not assigned to the same team.

A question during registration will ask if you are interested in competitive or casual soccer- choose casual if you'd like to kick the ball around with others, choose competitive if you'd like to kick the ball around with more of a purpose. A question during registration will ask you to self-evaluate your skills and experience.

We will form separate gendered divisions (Women and Open (mostly men)) and create casual and competitive divisions if numbers allow. Those interested in 11v11 soccer on a more consistent team could consider registering as a free-agent with DARSL.

How the philosophies apply:

  • Open registration: AYSO does not restrict membership on the basis of talent, race, religion, nationality or creed. Everyone who registers by the deadline will be placed on a team

  • Everyone plays: equal playing time is a must. 

  • Positive coaching:  use positive, instructional, and encouraging words when speaking with one another (soccer should be fun for everyone!). 

  • Balanced teams: teams will be reformed each Fall, teammates may stay together in Spring season if they wish and free-agents will be added.

  • Good sportsmanship:  everyone should work to create a safe and wholesome environment based on mutual respect and not on a win-at-all costs attitude.

  • Player development: the goal every game is to get home without getting hurt or hurting someone else

Refunds: Use this form to request a refund or let us know if you are no longer interested in playing.

Other: Rules

Questions? Email us at [email protected].

Current Season Details

Welcome to Spring 2025!

Registration closed on February 24.

Spring 2025 Schedule
League introduction video - watch before your first game!
Field Set Up- If you are the 3pm game you have field set up, if you are the 5pm game you have field tear down. 
Field Locations - Nugget East, Walnut West (N3),Walnut East (N1)
Slides with Rules

Email: [email protected]

What's next: 
-Substitution players- (not guaranteed to play) can enroll on the registration site and enter code: subspring25 to just pay the $30 insurance fee. Please email [email protected] after registering to be added to a list for captains to contact.
-Schedules and team rosters available March 5

Registration Information (Next Season)

This information will be updated for Fall 2025 in mid-May 2025. 

Spring 2025 Registration

Cost: $100 for new participants. $30 discount for players returning from Fall 2024 (your insurance fee is already covered from Fall 2024).

Includes 11 games, field lining, goal access, team equipment, insurance, and regional fees.

Registration Deadline: February 24, 2025. You must go here to register:

How to register: Click "registration" in the upper corner of the screen. Complete all screens until a confirmation email is reached.


We anticipate forming two divisions: Women's and Open. Teams will be balanced within each division. Competitive and casual brackets may be formed based on registration numbers.


  • Games: Sunday, March 9 - May 18 (11 games total). Games take place at either 3pm,4pm, or 5pm.
  • 7 v 7 Soccer: Open division will play on 80x60 yard field, women division will play on at 60x40 yard field.
  • 9 games will be scheduled initially. The final two games will be bracketed based on earlier results.

Team Formation

Options for team formation include:

  • Individuals may opt to stay with their Fall 2024 teams.
  • Those electing to new teams or new will be distributed onto other teams.
  • Teams will have 11-12 players typically.

Key Dates:

  • Captains Meeting (online): March 2, 5-6 PM.
  • Team Rosters: Distributed by March 5. 
Questions?: email us at [email protected]

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Contact Us

Davis AYSO, California Region 218

P.O. Box 1602 
Davis, California 95617

Email Us: [email protected]
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