Davis AYSO Primary Field Locations
Field Set Up/Take Down Instructions
SPRING FIELD LOCATIONS are different than the Fall ones below.
To view if Nugget Fields is open or closed please go
here. To view if other fields are open or closed go
Community Park Fields
203 E 14th St, Davis, CA 95616
Restrooms are available.
2700 Lillard Dr, Davis, CA 95618
Restrooms are available at the east end of Walnut Park. A map is shown from the parking lot direction. (South is up on this map)
Restrooms are available on the east end by the parking lot.

1801 Moore Blvd Davis, CA 95618
The Nugget Fields are a privately developed set of soccer fields, managed by Davis AYSO. They are immediately adjacent to Sandy Motley Park, a city developed park in the Wildhorse housing development.
There are restrooms (portables) by the entrance to the parking lot at Nugget and at the Sandy Motley Park. On the map South is up because the map is shown from the parking lot direction